Choral Chanting
Panagiotis Neochoritis
Current Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church of Christ (i.e. first chanter of the Patriarchate of Constantinople). Maybe not the most beautiful voice, but extremely skilled.
- Eothinon Doxastikon 9 (YouTube)
- Kalophonic Heirmos and Kratima, 1st Mode (YouTube)
Father Ephraim Nektariotis
A monk at the Monastery of St. Nektarios in Roscoe, New York. The best chanter in the US, in my opinion. CDs are available for purchase from the monastery’s website.
Father Ephraim Antoniatis
A monk at the Monastery of St. Anthony in Arizona.
Find more on the monastery’s Service Audio page.
Gerondissa Melanie
Abbess of the Monastery of St. John Chrysostom in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin.
- Anoixandaria of Phokaeus, part 1
- Anoixandaria of Phokaeus, part 2
- Anoixandaria of Phokaeus, part 3
- The Swallow
- Agni Parthene
- Vespers Doxastikon of the Sunday of the Paralytic
- Vespers Doxastikon of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- Pentecost Vespers Sticheron #4
- Pentecost Vespers Sticheron #5
- Pentecost Vespers Sticheron #6
- Pentecost Vespers Sticheron #7
- Pentecost Vespers Sticheron #8
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 22, part 1
- Psalm 22, part 2
- First Antiphon of Pascha
- Second Antiphon of Pascha
- As Many of You as Have Been Baptized
- As Many of You - Dynamis of Pringos
- Epistle - The Hymn of Love
- Leitourgika, Pl. 2nd Mode
- It is Truly Right, Pl. 2nd Mode
- Eothinon Doxastikon 11
- Praises Doxastikon of the Fifth Sunday of Lent
- Ressurectional Praises Stichera, Pl. 1st Mode
- Dogmatic Theotokion, Pl. 1st Mode
- Compunctionate Vespers, part 1
- Compunctionate Vespers, part 2
- First Idiomelon of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- Both Now of the Aposticha of the Praises for Holy Thursday
- Dogmatic Theotokion, 4th Mode
- Second Idiomelon of the Praises of the Sunday of the Last Judgment
Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas
Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church of Christ from 1960 to 1964. He reposed in 1987. The recordings are not of the best quality, but his talent is astounding.